GCOOS Metocean: Historical collections
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Dataset Title:  "Deepwater CTD - 00081.ctd.nc - 26.0N, -86.0W - 1994-05-02" Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Texas A&M University, Department of Oceanography   (Dataset ID: deepwater_00081_ctd)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 220)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    depth ?  =  m   220 options
    temperature ?  =  degree_C   200 options
    salinity ?  =  PSU   1 option:
    oxygen ?  =  milligrams per liter   191 options
    pressure ?  =  decibars   202 options
    nitrite ?  =  not-measured   2 options
    nitrate ?  =  not-measured   2 options
    phosphate ?  =  not-measured   2 options
    silicate ?  =  not-measured   2 options
    salinity2 ?  =  PSU   2 options
    qualityFlag ?  =  1 option: 0.0

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

depth temperature salinity oxygen pressure nitrite nitrate phosphate silicate salinity2 qualityFlag
m degree_C PSU milligrams per liter decibars not-measured not-measured not-measured not-measured PSU
5.0 26.07360076904297 7.51800012588501 5.033999919891357 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
6.0 26.0718994140625 7.323999881744385 6.039999961853027 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
7.0 26.072399139404297 7.107999801635742 7.046999931335449 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
8.0 26.072500228881836 6.939000129699707 8.053999900817871 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
9.0 26.072500228881836 7.004000186920166 9.0600004196167 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
10.0 26.072500228881836 7.1539998054504395 10.067000389099121 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
11.0 26.07200050354004 7.03000020980835 11.074000358581543 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
12.0 26.071399688720703 6.840000152587891 12.081000328063965 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
13.0 26.071199417114258 6.60099983215332 13.086999893188477 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
14.0 26.07110023498535 6.514999866485596 14.093999862670898 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
15.0 26.07029914855957 6.741000175476074 15.10099983215332 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
16.0 26.06599998474121 6.889999866485596 16.107999801635742 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 0.0
17.0 -990.0 0.0
18.0 26.04439926147461 6.939000129699707 17.81999969482422 0.0
19.0 26.013200759887695 7.007999897003174 19.128000259399414 0.0
20.0 25.983600616455078 7.124000072479248 20.135000228881836 0.0
21.0 25.960500717163086 7.039000034332275 21.142000198364258 0.0
22.0 25.940900802612305 6.940999984741211 22.148000717163086 0.0
23.0 25.90049934387207 7.001999855041504 23.155000686645508 0.0
24.0 25.82900047302246 7.15500020980835 24.16200065612793 0.0
25.0 25.77429962158203 7.260000228881836 25.16900062561035 0.0
26.0 25.737899780273438 7.166999816894531 26.176000595092773 0.0
27.0 25.668899536132812 7.22599983215332 27.183000564575195 0.0
28.0 25.425800323486328 7.35699987411499 28.18899917602539 0.0
29.0 25.005699157714844 7.364999771118164 29.195999145507812 0.0
30.0 24.61669921875 7.333000183105469 30.202999114990234 0.0
31.0 24.498899459838867 7.288000106811523 31.209999084472656 0.0
32.0 24.376399993896484 7.382999897003174 32.21699905395508 0.0
33.0 24.13089942932129 7.136000156402588 33.2239990234375 0.0
34.0 23.976299285888672 7.104000091552734 34.22999954223633 0.0
35.0 -990.0 0.0
36.0 23.80389976501465 7.539999961853027 35.959999084472656 0.0
37.0 23.720500946044922 7.638999938964844 37.250999450683594 0.0
38.0 23.64310073852539 7.609000205993652 38.257999420166016 0.0
39.0 23.495500564575195 7.767000198364258 39.26499938964844 0.0
40.0 23.362300872802734 7.870999813079834 40.27199935913086 0.0
41.0 23.280399322509766 7.85099983215332 41.27899932861328 0.0
42.0 -990.0 0.0
43.0 23.229700088500977 7.617000102996826 42.79999923706055 0.0
44.0 23.103099822998047 7.578999996185303 44.29899978637695 0.0
45.0 22.914499282836914 7.619999885559082 45.305999755859375 0.0
46.0 22.701900482177734 7.479000091552734 46.3129997253418 0.0
47.0 22.566299438476562 7.307000160217285 47.31999969482422 0.0
48.0 22.447599411010742 7.296999931335449 48.32699966430664 0.0
49.0 22.291900634765625 7.190000057220459 49.33399963378906 0.0
50.0 22.124000549316406 6.5269999504089355 50.340999603271484 0.0
51.0 22.04640007019043 6.685999870300293 51.347999572753906 0.0
52.0 21.9906005859375 7.168000221252441 52.35499954223633 0.0
53.0 -990.0 0.0
54.0 21.867300033569336 7.456999778747559 53.91699981689453 0.0
55.0 21.7814998626709 7.436999797821045 55.375999450683594 0.0
56.0 -990.0 0.0
57.0 -990.0 0.0
58.0 21.611000061035156 7.409999847412109 58.5260009765625 0.0
59.0 -990.0 0.0
60.0 21.556299209594727 7.519000053405762 59.999000549316406 0.0
61.0 21.516599655151367 7.85099983215332 61.417999267578125 0.0
62.0 21.43950080871582 7.935999870300293 62.42499923706055 0.0
63.0 21.294099807739258 7.84499979019165 63.43199920654297 0.0
64.0 21.063499450683594 7.6529998779296875 64.43900299072266 0.0
65.0 20.935199737548828 7.533999919891357 65.44599914550781 0.0
66.0 20.847400665283203 7.535999774932861 66.4530029296875 0.0
67.0 20.77589988708496 7.640999794006348 67.45999908447266 0.0
68.0 20.693700790405273 7.841000080108643 68.46700286865234 0.0
69.0 20.64929962158203 7.324999809265137 69.4739990234375 0.0
70.0 20.65239906311035 6.695000171661377 70.48100280761719 0.0
71.0 -990.0 0.0
72.0 20.641399383544922 7.2270002365112305 72.35600280761719 0.0
73.0 20.627099990844727 7.491000175476074 73.50199890136719 0.0
74.0 20.62470054626465 6.958000183105469 74.50900268554688 0.0
75.0 20.638200759887695 6.9070000648498535 75.51599884033203 0.0
76.0 20.63629913330078 7.388000011444092 76.52300262451172 0.0
77.0 -990.0 0.0
78.0 20.581600189208984 7.646999835968018 78.53500366210938 0.0
79.0 20.551599502563477 7.576000213623047 79.54399871826172 0.0
80.0 20.526399612426758 7.486999988555908 80.5510025024414 0.0
81.0 20.499099731445312 7.4629998207092285 81.55799865722656 0.0
82.0 20.46179962158203 7.531000137329102 82.56600189208984 0.0
83.0 20.424800872802734 7.492000102996826 83.572998046875 0.0
84.0 20.40399932861328 7.343999862670898 84.58000183105469 0.0
85.0 20.38640022277832 7.289000034332275 85.58699798583984 0.0
86.0 20.364099502563477 7.177000045776367 86.59400177001953 0.0
87.0 20.324899673461914 6.64300012588501 87.60099792480469 0.0
88.0 20.2539005279541 6.331999778747559 88.60800170898438 0.0
89.0 20.17140007019043 6.939000129699707 89.61499786376953 0.0
90.0 20.10460090637207 7.035999774932861 90.62200164794922 0.0
91.0 -990.0 0.0
92.0 19.993099212646484 6.357999801635742 92.51399993896484 0.0
93.0 19.88640022277832 6.644000053405762 93.64399719238281 0.0
94.0 19.81220054626465 6.414000034332275 94.6510009765625 0.0
95.0 19.752300262451172 6.369999885559082 95.65799713134766 0.0
96.0 19.711000442504883 6.681000232696533 96.66500091552734 0.0
97.0 -990.0 0.0
98.0 19.641599655151367 6.824999809265137 98.22100067138672 0.0
99.0 19.546499252319336 6.343999862670898 99.68699645996094 0.0
100.0 19.444499969482422 6.798999786376953 100.69400024414062 0.0
101.0 19.3843994140625 6.810999870300293 101.70099639892578 0.0
102.0 -990.0 0.0
103.0 19.28350067138672 6.5320000648498535 103.73799896240234 0.0
104.0 19.23509979248047 6.52400016784668 104.7229995727539 0.0
105.0 19.174299240112305 6.804999828338623 105.7300033569336 0.0
106.0 19.13010025024414 6.788000106811523 106.73699951171875 0.0
107.0 19.100099563598633 6.650000095367432 107.74400329589844 0.0
108.0 19.08099937438965 6.4710001945495605 108.75199890136719 0.0
109.0 19.07740020751953 6.283999919891357 109.75900268554688 0.0
110.0 19.08139991760254 6.250999927520752 110.76599884033203 0.0
111.0 19.068700790405273 6.376999855041504 111.77300262451172 0.0
112.0 19.046300888061523 6.313000202178955 112.78099822998047 0.0
113.0 19.023700714111328 6.23799991607666 113.78800201416016 0.0
114.0 19.006900787353516 6.202000141143799 114.79499816894531 0.0
115.0 18.993600845336914 6.2769999504089355 115.802001953125 0.0
116.0 18.979999542236328 6.328000068664551 116.80999755859375 0.0
117.0 18.957399368286133 6.235000133514404 117.81700134277344 0.0
118.0 18.90239906311035 6.203000068664551 118.8239974975586 0.0
119.0 18.815799713134766 6.178999900817871 119.83100128173828 0.0
120.0 18.702199935913086 6.002999782562256 120.83899688720703 0.0
121.0 18.54129981994629 5.682000160217285 121.84600067138672 0.0
122.0 18.475200653076172 6.005000114440918 122.85299682617188 0.0
123.0 18.42340087890625 6.00600004196167 123.86100006103516 0.0
124.0 18.354799270629883 5.901000022888184 124.86799621582031 0.0
125.0 -990.0 0.0
126.0 18.24920082092285 5.511000156402588 126.90799713134766 0.0
127.0 18.1924991607666 5.770999908447266 127.88999938964844 0.0
128.0 18.119400024414062 5.833000183105469 128.89700317382812 0.0
129.0 -990.0 0.0
130.0 17.962799072265625 5.697999954223633 130.47799682617188 0.0
131.0 17.694700241088867 5.361999988555908 131.91900634765625 0.0
132.0 17.535900115966797 5.577000141143799 132.927001953125 0.0
133.0 17.485200881958008 5.547999858856201 133.9340057373047 0.0
134.0 17.41320037841797 5.36299991607666 134.9409942626953 0.0
135.0 17.338300704956055 5.40500020980835 135.94900512695312 0.0
136.0 17.248699188232422 5.556000232696533 136.95599365234375 0.0
137.0 17.16790008544922 5.591000080108643 137.96299743652344 0.0
138.0 17.135799407958984 5.441999912261963 138.9709930419922 0.0
139.0 17.130300521850586 5.241000175476074 139.97799682617188 0.0
140.0 17.1200008392334 4.991000175476074 140.98500061035156 0.0
141.0 17.09510040283203 5.169000148773193 141.9929962158203 0.0
142.0 17.034500122070312 5.658999919891357 143.0 0.0
143.0 16.98259925842285 5.60099983215332 144.00799560546875 0.0
144.0 16.93600082397461 5.439000129699707 145.01499938964844 0.0
145.0 16.873699188232422 5.327000141143799 146.02200317382812 0.0
146.0 16.81170082092285 5.519000053405762 147.02999877929688 0.0
147.0 -990.0 0.0
148.0 16.732500076293945 5.558000087738037 148.56700134277344 0.0
149.0 16.677400588989258 5.239999771118164 150.052001953125 0.0
150.0 16.6476993560791 5.210000038146973 151.05999755859375 0.0
151.0 -990.0 0.0
152.0 16.573699951171875 5.353000164031982 152.66200256347656 0.0
153.0 16.515499114990234 5.3429999351501465 154.08200073242188 0.0
154.0 16.48310089111328 5.132999897003174 155.08900451660156 0.0
155.0 16.432899475097656 4.9730000495910645 156.0970001220703 0.0
156.0 16.381900787353516 5.2220001220703125 157.10400390625 0.0
157.0 16.350400924682617 5.392000198364258 158.11199951171875 0.0
158.0 16.32819938659668 5.443999767303467 159.11900329589844 0.0
159.0 -990.0 0.0
160.0 16.28580093383789 5.248000144958496 161.13800048828125 0.0
161.0 16.261199951171875 5.14300012588501 162.14199829101562 0.0
162.0 16.2322998046875 5.373000144958496 163.1490020751953 0.0
163.0 16.20800018310547 5.375 164.15699768066406 0.0
164.0 16.191699981689453 5.285999774932861 165.16400146484375 0.0
165.0 16.171199798583984 5.3420000076293945 166.1719970703125 0.0
166.0 16.137699127197266 5.451000213623047 167.1790008544922 0.0
167.0 16.107500076293945 5.4039998054504395 168.18699645996094 0.0
168.0 16.082700729370117 5.224999904632568 169.19400024414062 0.0
169.0 16.03820037841797 5.074999809265137 170.20199584960938 0.0
170.0 15.976900100708008 5.296999931335449 171.20899963378906 0.0
171.0 15.934800148010254 5.339000225067139 172.2169952392578 0.0
172.0 15.89840030670166 5.375999927520752 173.2239990234375 0.0
173.0 15.868900299072266 5.401000022888184 174.23199462890625 0.0
174.0 15.835399627685547 5.271999835968018 175.23899841308594 0.0
175.0 15.786399841308594 5.066999912261963 176.2469940185547 0.0
176.0 15.740099906921387 5.158999919891357 177.25399780273438 0.0
177.0 15.703100204467773 5.311999797821045 178.26199340820312 0.0
178.0 15.634099960327148 5.324999809265137 179.27000427246094 0.0
179.0 15.559300422668457 5.171999931335449 180.27699279785156 0.0
180.0 15.50100040435791 5.01200008392334 181.28500366210938 0.0
181.0 15.44540023803711 5.079999923706055 182.29200744628906 0.0
182.0 15.397600173950195 5.053999900817871 183.3000030517578 0.0
183.0 15.345100402832031 4.8460001945495605 184.3070068359375 0.0
184.0 15.295499801635742 5.056000232696533 185.31500244140625 0.0
185.0 -990.0 0.0
186.0 15.220800399780273 5.214000225067139 187.05299377441406 0.0
187.0 15.156200408935547 5.25 188.33799743652344 0.0
188.0 15.106900215148926 5.254000186920166 189.34500122070312 0.0
189.0 15.051400184631348 5.038000106811523 190.35299682617188 0.0
190.0 15.004599571228027 4.854000091552734 191.36099243164062 0.0
191.0 14.970000267028809 5.058000087738037 192.3679962158203 0.0
192.0 14.951399803161621 5.130000114440918 193.37600708007812 0.0
193.0 14.929499626159668 4.9730000495910645 194.38400268554688 0.0
194.0 14.911800384521484 4.895999908447266 195.39100646972656 0.0
195.0 14.864899635314941 5.117000102996826 196.3990020751953 0.0
196.0 14.78380012512207 5.181000232696533 197.40699768066406 0.0
197.0 14.717499732971191 4.900000095367432 198.41400146484375 0.0
198.0 14.649999618530273 4.931000232696533 199.4219970703125 0.0
199.0 14.589900016784668 5.052999973297119 200.42999267578125 0.0
200.0 -990.0 0.0
201.0 14.510199546813965 5.1570000648498535 202.0189971923828 0.0
202.0 14.472700119018555 5.1579999923706055 203.4530029296875 0.0
203.0 14.442700386047363 5.188000202178955 204.4600067138672 0.0
204.0 14.413800239562988 5.202000141143799 205.46800231933594 0.0
205.0 14.391200065612793 5.179999828338623 206.4759979248047 0.0
206.0 14.361499786376953 5.181000232696533 207.48300170898438 0.0
207.0 14.304900169372559 5.22599983215332 208.49099731445312 0.0
208.0 14.251899719238281 5.236999988555908 209.49899291992188 0.0
209.0 14.211199760437012 5.241000175476074 210.5070037841797 0.0
210.0 14.176300048828125 5.264999866485596 211.51400756835938 0.0
211.0 14.143899917602539 5.257999897003174 212.52200317382812 0.0
212.0 14.11340045928955 5.204999923706055 213.52999877929688 0.0
213.0 14.083000183105469 5.163000106811523 214.53700256347656 0.0
214.0 14.047800064086914 5.2129998207092285 215.5449981689453 0.0
215.0 14.015899658203125 5.263999938964844 216.55299377441406 0.0
216.0 13.98799991607666 5.254000186920166 217.56100463867188 0.0
217.0 13.963600158691406 5.185999870300293 218.5679931640625 0.0
218.0 13.9399995803833 5.104000091552734 219.5760040283203 0.0
219.0 13.911100387573242 5.074999809265137 220.58399963378906 0.0
220.0 13.876299858093262 5.125 221.5919952392578 0.0
221.0 13.833200454711914 5.165999889373779 222.60000610351562 0.0
222.0 13.789199829101562 223.60699462890625 0.0
223.0 13.756799697875977 224.61500549316406 0.0
224.0 13.76259994506836 225.6230010986328 0.0

In total, there are 220 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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