GCOOS Metocean: Historical collections
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Dataset Title:  "LATEX CTD - d94h076.nc - 29.06N, 94.0W - 1994-04-30" Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Texas A&M University, Department of Oceanography   (Dataset ID: latex_d94h076)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 30)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    pressure ?  =  dBar   30 options
    depth ?  =  m   30 options
    temperature ?  =  degree_C   30 options
    potentialTemperature ?  =  degree_C   29 options
    conductivity ?  =  Siemens per meter   30 options
    salinity ?  =  PSU   30 options
    sigmat ?  =  kg m-3   30 options
    descentRate ?  =  meters per second   29 options
    transmission ?  =  percent   24 options
    par ?  =  umol m-2 s-1   29 options
    parv ?  =  volts   29 options
    fluorescence ?  =  volts   27 options
    backscattering ?  =  volts   20 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

pressure depth temperature potentialTemperature conductivity salinity sigmat descentRate transmission par parv fluorescence backscattering
dBar m degree_C degree_C Siemens per meter PSU kg m-3 meters per second percent umol m-2 s-1 volts volts volts
3.0 3.0 24.337400436401367 24.336700439453125 4.638800144195557 30.545900344848633 20.17690086364746 0.37599998712539673 4.192999839782715 209.0 2.6519999504089355 0.6129999756813049 0.05299999937415123
3.5 3.5 24.28660011291504 24.285900115966797 4.645100116729736 30.627399444580078 20.253299713134766 0.5640000104904175 4.198999881744385 178.0 2.5810000896453857 0.5669999718666077 0.050999999046325684
4.0 4.0 24.226900100708008 24.22610092163086 4.640399932861328 30.632699966430664 20.274799346923828 0.3959999978542328 4.214000225067139 155.0 2.5209999084472656 0.5210000276565552 0.052000001072883606
4.5 4.5 24.0664005279541 24.065500259399414 4.632699966430664 30.685800552368164 20.3617000579834 0.48399999737739563 4.218999862670898 134.0 2.4579999446868896 0.4909999966621399 0.05299999937415123
5.0 5.0 23.88089942932129 23.879899978637695 4.627099990844727 30.77199935913086 20.48069953918457 0.49300000071525574 4.230000019073486 121.0 2.4149999618530273 0.4410000145435333 0.05299999937415123
5.5 5.5 23.758899688720703 23.75779914855957 4.636099815368652 30.92329978942871 20.630199432373047 0.3659999966621399 4.2220001220703125 106.0 2.3580000400543213 0.5009999871253967 0.054999999701976776
6.0 6.0 23.613500595092773 23.612199783325195 4.652400016784668 31.146400451660156 20.84079933166504 0.5580000281333923 4.244999885559082 94.5 2.306999921798706 0.48399999737739563 0.052000001072883606
6.5 6.5 23.542800903320312 23.541400909423828 4.6666998863220215 31.30299949645996 20.97960090637207 0.3970000147819519 4.269000053405762 83.80000305175781 2.255000114440918 0.45399999618530273 0.04899999871850014
7.0 7.0 23.523099899291992 23.5216007232666 4.6753997802734375 31.381999969482422 21.04509925842285 0.5809999704360962 4.308000087738037 75.19999694824219 2.2079999446868896 0.4359999895095825 0.04800000041723251
7.599999904632568 7.5 23.499900817871094 23.49839973449707 4.68720006942749 31.48740005493164 21.131500244140625 0.6510000228881836 4.322000026702881 67.0 2.1579999923706055 0.453000009059906 0.04500000178813934
8.100000381469727 8.0 23.49410057067871 23.49250030517578 4.692299842834473 31.529199600219727 21.1648006439209 0.453000009059906 4.317999839782715 59.5 2.1059999465942383 0.4790000021457672 0.03999999910593033
8.600000381469727 8.5 23.497800827026367 23.496000289916992 4.709499835968018 31.656400680541992 21.259899139404297 0.4440000057220459 4.308000087738037 54.400001525878906 2.066999912261963 0.5049999952316284 0.04100000113248825
9.100000381469727 9.0 23.500200271606445 23.49839973449707 4.744900226593018 31.920799255371094 21.459199905395508 0.41200000047683716 4.322000026702881 49.79999923706055 2.0290000438690186 0.5580000281333923 0.03799999877810478
9.600000381469727 9.5 23.478300094604492 23.476299285888672 4.7846999168396 32.23649978637695 21.70439910888672 0.42800000309944153 4.335999965667725 45.20000076293945 1.9869999885559082 0.6129999756813049 0.041999999433755875
10.100000381469727 10.0 23.405899047851562 23.403900146484375 4.801499843597412 32.41590118408203 21.861099243164062 0.36899998784065247 4.343999862670898 40.70000076293945 1.940999984741211 0.5849999785423279 0.03400000184774399
10.600000381469727 10.5 23.36829948425293 23.366199493408203 4.80709981918335 32.485801696777344 21.924800872802734 0.36000001430511475 4.335999965667725 37.20000076293945 1.9019999504089355 0.574999988079071 0.03500000014901161
11.100000381469727 11.0 23.323699951171875 23.321500778198242 4.810400009155273 32.54349899291992 21.981399536132812 0.5519999861717224 4.341000080108643 35.0 1.8760000467300415 0.5619999766349792 0.03500000014901161
11.600000381469727 11.5 23.244600296020508 23.24220085144043 4.815400123596191 32.63930130004883 22.07659912109375 0.5740000009536743 4.334000110626221 32.099998474121094 1.8380000591278076 0.5839999914169312 0.03999999910593033
12.100000381469727 12.0 23.197900772094727 23.19540023803711 4.823599815368652 32.73659896850586 22.163799285888672 0.5220000147819519 4.290999889373779 28.600000381469727 1.7879999876022339 0.6150000095367432 0.03700000047683716
12.600000381469727 12.5 23.202800750732422 23.200199127197266 4.842299938201904 32.87459945678711 22.266799926757812 0.4129999876022339 4.318999767303467 26.100000381469727 1.7489999532699585 0.6480000019073486 0.035999998450279236
13.100000381469727 13.0 23.166799545288086 23.164100646972656 4.862100124359131 33.05220031738281 22.411699295043945 0.5889999866485596 4.322999954223633 24.600000381469727 1.7230000495910645 0.6480000019073486 0.03500000014901161
13.600000381469727 13.5 23.109500885009766 23.106800079345703 4.880199909210205 33.23350143432617 22.565500259399414 0.47699999809265137 4.320000171661377 22.799999237060547 1.690000057220459 0.6510000228881836 0.03400000184774399
14.100000381469727 14.0 23.09910011291504 23.096200942993164 4.8979997634887695 33.37730026245117 22.677499771118164 0.3659999966621399 4.318999767303467 22.799999237060547 1.690000057220459 0.6460000276565552 0.03700000047683716
14.600000381469727 14.5 23.123699188232422 23.12070083618164 4.930500030517578 33.606201171875 22.843900680541992 0.5899999737739563 4.318999767303467 21.799999237060547 1.6710000038146973 0.6169999837875366 0.035999998450279236
15.100000381469727 15.0 23.09469985961914 23.09160041809082 4.9583001136779785 33.841800689697266 23.03070068359375 0.46799999475479126 4.306000232696533 20.0 1.6330000162124634 0.6150000095367432 0.03700000047683716
15.600000381469727 15.5 22.659799575805664 22.656700134277344 4.938799858093262 34.028099060058594 23.296100616455078 0.5429999828338623 4.214000225067139 19.200000762939453 1.6160000562667847 0.5709999799728394 0.04399999976158142
16.100000381469727 16.0 22.149900436401367 22.146699905395508 4.8993000984191895 34.11949920654297 23.509599685668945 0.25099998712539673 3.938999891281128 18.100000381469727 1.590000033378601 0.6800000071525574 0.06400000303983688
16.600000381469727 16.5 21.593799591064453 21.590499877929688 4.8582000732421875 34.23540115356445 23.75200080871582 0.24300000071525574 3.677000045776367 18.299999237060547 1.5950000286102295 0.7490000128746033 0.11599999666213989
17.100000381469727 17.0 21.284700393676758 21.2814998626709 4.8333001136779785 34.2843017578125 23.873899459838867 0.3230000138282776 3.2960000038146973 17.299999237060547 1.5700000524520874 0.8619999885559082 0.15600000321865082
17.600000381469727 17.5 21.040599822998047 21.03730010986328 4.813499927520752 34.322200775146484 23.96929931640625 0.29499998688697815 2.7960000038146973 16.200000762939453 1.5399999618530273 0.8870000243186951 0.3160000145435333

In total, there are 30 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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