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Metocean: Historical collections
Brought to you by NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD |
Dataset Title: | "NEGOM CTD - n1l02s01.nc - 29.56N, 88.65W - 1997-11-25"
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Institution: | OCEAN.TAMU (Dataset ID: negom_n1l02s01) |
Information: | Summary ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
Distinct Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
pressure | depth | temperature | potentialTemperature | conductivity | salinity | sigmat | descentRate | transmission | par | parv | fluorescence | backscattering |
dBar | m | degree_C | degree_C | Siemens per meter | PSU | kg m-3 | meters per second | percent | umol m-2 s-1 | volts | volts | volts |
2.0 | 2.0 | 20.68790054321289 | 20.6875 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.30820083618164 | 24.81329917907715 | -0.07999999821186066 | 3.7269999980926514 | 3725.0 | 3.825000047683716 | 1.215999960899353 | -9.0 |
2.5 | 2.5 | 20.68790054321289 | 20.687400817871094 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.30759811401367 | 24.81290054321289 | 0.09399999678134918 | 3.736999988555908 | 1397.0 | 3.2880001068115234 | 1.2619999647140503 | -9.0 |
3.0 | 3.0 | 20.688400268554688 | 20.68779945373535 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.30799865722656 | 24.812999725341797 | 1.0169999599456787 | 3.7260000705718994 | 1137.0 | 3.2090001106262207 | 1.2710000276565552 | -9.0 |
3.5 | 3.5 | 20.688899993896484 | 20.688199996948242 | 4.900199890136719 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.81290054321289 | 0.9559999704360962 | 3.7160000801086426 | 1189.0 | 3.2290000915527344 | 1.2710000276565552 | -9.0 |
4.0 | 4.0 | 20.68899917602539 | 20.688199996948242 | 4.900199890136719 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.813100814819336 | 0.6759999990463257 | 3.7239999771118164 | 965.7000122070312 | 3.135999917984009 | 1.2829999923706055 | 0.5210000276565552 |
4.5 | 4.5 | 20.689699172973633 | 20.688800811767578 | 4.900300025939941 | 35.30820083618164 | 24.81290054321289 | 0.5989999771118164 | 3.7339999675750732 | 852.9000244140625 | 3.0840001106262207 | 1.312000036239624 | 0.527999997138977 |
5.0 | 5.0 | 20.689199447631836 | 20.688199996948242 | 4.900300025939941 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.813100814819336 | 0.8930000066757202 | 3.7219998836517334 | 693.5999755859375 | 2.993000030517578 | 1.465999960899353 | 0.5350000262260437 |
5.5 | 5.5 | 20.689800262451172 | 20.688800811767578 | 4.900400161743164 | 35.30830001831055 | 24.812999725341797 | 0.8610000014305115 | 3.7309999465942383 | 615.0 | 2.943000078201294 | 1.6260000467300415 | 0.5429999828338623 |
6.0 | 6.0 | 20.68950080871582 | 20.688400268554688 | 4.900400161743164 | 35.30830001831055 | 24.813199996948242 | 0.6330000162124634 | 3.7230000495910645 | 595.2999877929688 | 2.927999973297119 | 1.5570000410079956 | 0.5509999990463257 |
6.5 | 6.5 | 20.68790054321289 | 20.68670082092285 | 4.900199890136719 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.813499450683594 | 0.27900001406669617 | 3.7179999351501465 | 515.0 | 2.865000009536743 | 1.4630000591278076 | 0.5320000052452087 |
7.0 | 7.0 | 20.685800552368164 | 20.684499740600586 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.813899993896484 | 0.609000027179718 | 3.7230000495910645 | 461.79998779296875 | 2.818000078201294 | 1.5399999618530273 | 0.5550000071525574 |
7.599999904632568 | 7.5 | 20.68630027770996 | 20.684900283813477 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.813899993896484 | 0.7570000290870667 | 3.7119998931884766 | 386.6000061035156 | 2.740999937057495 | 1.5010000467300415 | 0.5609999895095825 |
8.100000381469727 | 8.0 | 20.68549919128418 | 20.68400001525879 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.30799865722656 | 24.81410026550293 | 0.75 | 3.7260000705718994 | 379.79998779296875 | 2.7330000400543213 | 1.4700000286102295 | 0.5360000133514404 |
8.600000381469727 | 8.5 | 20.685800552368164 | 20.684200286865234 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.30799865722656 | 24.81399917602539 | 0.5559999942779541 | 3.7239999771118164 | 339.29998779296875 | 2.684000015258789 | 1.4459999799728394 | 0.5260000228881836 |
9.100000381469727 | 9.0 | 20.68560028076172 | 20.683900833129883 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.81410026550293 | 0.22100000083446503 | 3.7149999141693115 | 294.79998779296875 | 2.622999906539917 | 1.444000005722046 | 0.5580000281333923 |
9.600000381469727 | 9.5 | 20.683799743652344 | 20.68199920654297 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.814699172973633 | 0.5139999985694885 | 3.7230000495910645 | 254.60000610351562 | 2.559000015258789 | 1.4620000123977661 | 0.550000011920929 |
10.100000381469727 | 10.0 | 20.684600830078125 | 20.68269920349121 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.81450080871582 | 0.7009999752044678 | 3.7260000705718994 | 236.6999969482422 | 2.5280001163482666 | 1.4529999494552612 | 0.5329999923706055 |
10.600000381469727 | 10.5 | 20.684099197387695 | 20.682100296020508 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.814599990844727 | 0.7089999914169312 | 3.7230000495910645 | 228.6999969482422 | 2.513000011444092 | 1.465000033378601 | 0.5410000085830688 |
11.100000381469727 | 11.0 | 20.684900283813477 | 20.68280029296875 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.81450080871582 | 0.5009999871253967 | 3.7209999561309814 | 195.0 | 2.443000078201294 | 1.465000033378601 | 0.5299999713897705 |
11.600000381469727 | 11.5 | 20.684900283813477 | 20.68269920349121 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.81439971923828 | 0.2329999953508377 | 3.7300000190734863 | 169.0 | 2.38100004196167 | 1.4819999933242798 | 0.5189999938011169 |
12.100000381469727 | 12.0 | 20.68429946899414 | 20.68199920654297 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.814699172973633 | 0.46000000834465027 | 3.7309999465942383 | 155.0 | 2.3440001010894775 | 1.4509999752044678 | 0.527999997138977 |
12.600000381469727 | 12.5 | 20.684200286865234 | 20.681800842285156 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.30799865722656 | 24.814699172973633 | 0.5099999904632568 | 3.7339999675750732 | 147.5 | 2.322000026702881 | 1.4459999799728394 | 0.5270000100135803 |
13.100000381469727 | 13.0 | 20.6835994720459 | 20.681100845336914 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.308101654052734 | 24.814899444580078 | 0.5180000066757202 | 3.7330000400543213 | 134.0 | 2.2809998989105225 | 1.4570000171661377 | 0.515999972820282 |
13.600000381469727 | 13.5 | 20.683000564575195 | 20.680400848388672 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.30799865722656 | 24.815000534057617 | 0.46799999475479126 | 3.7320001125335693 | 117.19999694824219 | 2.2219998836517334 | 1.4490000009536743 | 0.503000020980835 |
14.100000381469727 | 14.0 | 20.6835994720459 | 20.68090057373047 | 4.900100231170654 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.814899444580078 | 0.27000001072883606 | 3.7309999465942383 | 103.5 | 2.1679999828338623 | 1.4429999589920044 | 0.5080000162124634 |
14.600000381469727 | 14.5 | 20.68280029296875 | 20.68000030517578 | 4.900000095367432 | 35.307701110839844 | 24.814899444580078 | 0.6079999804496765 | 3.734999895095825 | 101.9000015258789 | 2.1619999408721924 | 1.4450000524520874 | 0.5130000114440918 |
15.100000381469727 | 15.0 | 20.681299209594727 | 20.67840003967285 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.30780029296875 | 24.815399169921875 | 0.7250000238418579 | 3.740999937057495 | 89.11000061035156 | 2.1029999256134033 | 1.4490000009536743 | 0.5099999904632568 |
15.600000381469727 | 15.5 | 20.680700302124023 | 20.67770004272461 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.307899475097656 | 24.81570053100586 | 0.6100000143051147 | 3.7309999465942383 | 76.69999694824219 | 2.0380001068115234 | 1.4390000104904175 | 0.5059999823570251 |
16.100000381469727 | 16.0 | 20.681100845336914 | 20.6781005859375 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.30780029296875 | 24.81559944152832 | 0.2409999966621399 | 3.7339999675750732 | 67.58000183105469 | 1.9830000400543213 | 1.434000015258789 | 0.5189999938011169 |
16.600000381469727 | 16.5 | 20.68120002746582 | 20.6781005859375 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.307701110839844 | 24.815500259399414 | 0.34299999475479126 | 3.740000009536743 | 67.16999816894531 | 1.9800000190734863 | 1.4160000085830688 | 0.5320000052452087 |
17.100000381469727 | 17.0 | 20.680299758911133 | 20.677099227905273 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.307701110839844 | 24.815799713134766 | 0.5569999814033508 | 3.740000009536743 | 57.33000183105469 | 1.9110000133514404 | 1.4850000143051147 | 0.5130000114440918 |
17.600000381469727 | 17.5 | 20.680299758911133 | 20.677000045776367 | 4.899899959564209 | 35.30780029296875 | 24.815799713134766 | 0.4950000047683716 | 3.740999937057495 | 50.900001525878906 | 1.8600000143051147 | 1.4950000047683716 | 0.4950000047683716 |
18.100000381469727 | 18.0 | 20.677400588989258 | 20.673999786376953 | 4.899600028991699 | 35.30739974975586 | 24.8164005279541 | 0.27000001072883606 | 3.75600004196167 | 46.040000915527344 | 1.8170000314712524 | 1.4539999961853027 | 0.5210000276565552 |
18.600000381469727 | 18.5 | 20.670299530029297 | 20.666799545288086 | 4.898799896240234 | 35.306800842285156 | 24.817800521850586 | 0.4519999921321869 | 3.7639999389648438 | 43.279998779296875 | 1.7899999618530273 | 1.4270000457763672 | 0.5460000038146973 |
19.100000381469727 | 19.0 | 20.667699813842773 | 20.664100646972656 | 4.898499965667725 | 35.30649948120117 | 24.81839942932129 | 0.15299999713897705 | 3.7760000228881836 | 38.27000045776367 | 1.7359999418258667 | 1.444000005722046 | 0.4950000047683716 |
19.600000381469727 | 19.5 | 20.667400360107422 | 20.663700103759766 | 4.898499965667725 | 35.30670166015625 | 24.818599700927734 | 0.17900000512599945 | 3.7660000324249268 | 34.93000030517578 | 1.6970000267028809 | 1.4420000314712524 | 0.503000020980835 |
20.100000381469727 | 20.0 | 20.667699813842773 | 20.66390037536621 | 4.898600101470947 | 35.306800842285156 | 24.818599700927734 | 0.07999999821186066 | 3.7730000019073486 | 31.389999389648438 | 1.6510000228881836 | 1.4429999589920044 | 0.5040000081062317 |
In total, there are 37 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above.
All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.
To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
Related Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.