GCOOS Metocean: Historical collections
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   set  data   graph     files  Marathon, FL (MARA) Long Range Radials (20210819 - 20220503)    ?   F   I   M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe
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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL AngularResolution String 5 Deg
attribute NC_GLOBAL AntennaBearing String 237.0 True
attribute NC_GLOBAL BraggHasSecondOrder String 0
attribute NC_GLOBAL BraggSmoothingPoints String 3
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.10, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL CTF String 1.00
attribute NC_GLOBAL CurrentVelocityLimit String 200.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL DopplerCells String 2048
attribute NC_GLOBAL DopplerInterpolation String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL DopplerResolutionHzPerBin String 0.000488281
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -78.9117493
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL FileType String LLUV rdls "RadialMap"
attribute NC_GLOBAL FirstOrderCalc String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL FirstOrderMethod String 0 2 36
attribute NC_GLOBAL GeodVersion String "CGEO" 1.90 2018 01 31
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 24.8248904
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 22.8479397
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -78.9117493
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -82.7076322
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL GreatCircle String "WGS84" 6378137.000 298.257223562997
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.nationalacademies.org/gulf/fellowships-and-grants/understanding-gulf-ocean-systems (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Center for Ocean Observing and Leadership, Department of Marine & Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String away, bearing, cell, circulation, cm/s, count, cross, current, currents, data, direction, direction_of_radial_vector_away_from_instrument, dist_east_from_origin, dist_north_from_origin, distance, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Circulation > Ocean Currents, eastward, filter, flag, gradient, heading, instrument, latitude, local, longitude, masks, max_threshold_qc, maximum, median, minimum, northward, ocean, oceans, operator, operator_flag_qc, origin, primary, primary_flag_qc, qartod, quality, radial, radial_count_qc, radial_sea_water_velocity_away_from_instrument, range, range_cell, science, sea, seawater, source, spatial, spatial_count, spatial_median_filter_qc, spatial_quality, spectra, statistics, surface, surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity, surface_northward_sea_water_velocity, syntax, syntax_qc, temporal, temporal_count, temporal_gradient_qc, temporal_quality, test, threshold, time, u, v, valid, valid_location_qc, vector, vector_flag, velocity, velocity_max, velocity_min, water
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL LLUVSpec String 1.27 2017 01 13
attribute NC_GLOBAL LLUVTrustData String all all lluv xyuv rbvd
attribute NC_GLOBAL Manufacturer String CODAR Ocean Sensors. SeaSonde
attribute NC_GLOBAL MergedCount String 7
attribute NC_GLOBAL MergeMethod String 1 MedianVectors
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 24.8248904
attribute NC_GLOBAL Origin String 24.7401333 -80.9832833
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternAmplitudeCalculations String 0.9046 0.9188
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternAmplitudeCorrections String 0.8203 0.8798
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternDate String 2020 03 09 20 59 06
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternMethod String 1 PatternVectors
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternPhaseCalculations String -111.60 -88.20
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternPhaseCorrections String -98.00 -86.00
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternResolution String 1.0 deg
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternType String Measured
attribute NC_GLOBAL PatternUUID String 9EBAB71E-2A44-4E06-8DDB-F5CAC59E15DA
attribute NC_GLOBAL ProcessedTimeStamp String 2022 05 03 21 15 25
attribute NC_GLOBAL ProcessingTool String "RadialMerger" 11.5.0
"SpectraToRadial" 11.6.2
"RadialSlider" 12.2.0
"RadialArchiver" 12.1.0
"AnalyzeSpectra" 10.9.8
attribute NC_GLOBAL QCTest String qc_qartod_syntax (QC06) - Test applies to entire file. Thresholds=[N/A]: See results in column QC06
qc_qartod_maximum_velocity (QC07) - Test applies to each row. Thresholds=[ high_vel=175.0 (cm/s) max_vel=200.0 (cm/s) ]: See results in column QC07 below
qc_qartod_valid_location (QC08) - Test applies to each row. Thresholds=[VFLG==128]: See results in column QC08 below
qc_qartod_radial_count (QC09) - Test applies to entire file. Thresholds=[ failure=90.0 (radials) warning_num=270.0 (radials) <valid_radials=969> ]: See results in column QC09 below
qc_qartod_spatial_median (QC10) - Test applies to each row. Thresholds=[ range_cell_limit=2.1 (range cells) angular_limit=10 (degrees) current_difference=50 (cm/s) ]: See results in column QC10 below
qc_qartod_temporal_gradient (QC11) - Test applies to each row. Thresholds=[ gradient_temp_warn=36 (cm/s*hr) gradient_temp_fail=54 (cm/s*hr) ]: See results in column QC11 below
qc_operator_flag (QCOP) - Test applies to each row. Thresholds=[N/A]: See results in column QCOP below
qc_qartod_primary_flag (PRIM) - Primary Flag - Highest flag value of QC06, QC07, QC08, QC09, QC10, QC11, QCOP("not_evaluated" flag results ignored)
attribute NC_GLOBAL RadialBraggNoiseThreshold String 3.980
attribute NC_GLOBAL RadialBraggPeakDropOff String 199.530
attribute NC_GLOBAL RadialBraggPeakNull String 125.890
attribute NC_GLOBAL RadialMinimumMergePoints String 2
attribute NC_GLOBAL RadialMusicParameters String 40.000 20.000 2.000
attribute NC_GLOBAL RangeCells String 63
attribute NC_GLOBAL RangeEnd String 36
attribute NC_GLOBAL RangeResolutionKMeters String 5.824900
attribute NC_GLOBAL RangeStart String 2
attribute NC_GLOBAL ReferenceBearing String 0 True
attribute NC_GLOBAL Site String MARA ""
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 22.8479397
attribute NC_GLOBAL SpatialResolution String 5 Deg
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String time, syntax_qc, max_threshold_qc, radial_count_qc, operator_flag_qc
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Radial Vectors quality controlled using HFRadarPyPython toolbox
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2022-05-03T19:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2021-08-19T15:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL TimeCoverage String 240.000 Minutes
attribute NC_GLOBAL TimeStamp String 2022 05 03 19 00 00
attribute NC_GLOBAL TimeZone String "UTC" +0.000 0 "Atlantic/Reykjavik"
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Marathon, FL (MARA) Long Range Radials (20210819 - 20220503)
attribute NC_GLOBAL TransmitBandwidthKHz String -25.733913
attribute NC_GLOBAL TransmitCenterFreqMHz String 4.900000
attribute NC_GLOBAL TransmitSweepRateHz String 1.000000
attribute NC_GLOBAL UUID String 742CE1D3-4BB9-438B-BDDD-5E3CDB72B566
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -82.7076322
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.6293852E9, 1.6516044E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute longitude actual_range double -82.7076322, -78.9117493
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude short_name String lon
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min double -180.0
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute latitude actual_range double 22.8479397, 24.8248904
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude short_name String lat
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min double -90.0
variable u   double  
attribute u _FillValue double NaN
attribute u actual_range double -196.434, 185.947
attribute u colorBarMaximum double 0.5
attribute u colorBarMinimum double -0.5
attribute u ioos_category String Currents
attribute u long_name String Eastward Surface Current (cm/s)
attribute u short_name String u
attribute u standard_name String surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity
attribute u units String cm s-1
attribute u valid_max double 300.0
attribute u valid_min double -300.0
variable v   double  
attribute v _FillValue double NaN
attribute v actual_range double -194.527, 194.779
attribute v colorBarMaximum double 0.5
attribute v colorBarMinimum double -0.5
attribute v ioos_category String Currents
attribute v long_name String Northward Surface Current (cm/s)
attribute v short_name String v
attribute v standard_name String surface_northward_sea_water_velocity
attribute v units String cm s-1
attribute v valid_max double 300.0
attribute v valid_min double -300.0
variable vector_flag   long  
attribute vector_flag _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute vector_flag actual_range long 0, 128
attribute vector_flag colorBarMaximum double 1500.0
attribute vector_flag colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute vector_flag flag_masks long 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
attribute vector_flag flag_meanings String grid_point_deleted grid_point_near_coast point_measurement no_radial_solution baseline_interpolationexceeds_max_speed invalid_solution solution_beyond_valid_spatial_domain insufficient_angular_resolutionreserved reserved
attribute vector_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute vector_flag long_name String Vector Flag Masks
attribute vector_flag valid_range long 0, 2048
variable spatial_quality   double  
attribute spatial_quality _FillValue double NaN
attribute spatial_quality actual_range double 0.0, 195.811
attribute spatial_quality colorBarMaximum double 150.0
attribute spatial_quality colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute spatial_quality ioos_category String Quality
attribute spatial_quality long_name String Spatial Quality of radial sea water velocity
attribute spatial_quality missing_value double NaN
attribute spatial_quality units String cm s-1
variable temporal_quality   double  
attribute temporal_quality _FillValue double NaN
attribute temporal_quality actual_range double 0.0, 191.327
attribute temporal_quality colorBarMaximum double 150.0
attribute temporal_quality colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temporal_quality ioos_category String Quality
attribute temporal_quality long_name String Temporal Quality of radial sea water velocity
attribute temporal_quality missing_value double NaN
attribute temporal_quality units String cm s-1
variable velocity_max   double  
attribute velocity_max _FillValue double NaN
attribute velocity_max actual_range double -199.523, 199.523
attribute velocity_max ioos_category String Currents
attribute velocity_max long_name String Maximum Velocity of sea water (away from instrument)
attribute velocity_max units String cm s-1
variable velocity_min   double  
attribute velocity_min _FillValue double NaN
attribute velocity_min actual_range double -202.513, 202.513
attribute velocity_min ioos_category String Currents
attribute velocity_min long_name String Minimum Velocity of sea water (away from instrument)
attribute velocity_min units String cm s-1
variable spatial_count   long  
attribute spatial_count _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute spatial_count actual_range long 1, 131
attribute spatial_count colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute spatial_count colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute spatial_count ioos_category String Statistics
attribute spatial_count long_name String Spatial count of sea water velocity (away from instrument)
variable temporal_count   long  
attribute temporal_count _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute temporal_count actual_range long 2, 7
attribute temporal_count colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute temporal_count colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temporal_count ioos_category String Statistics
attribute temporal_count long_name String Temporal count of sea water velocity (away from instrument)
variable dist_east_from_origin   double  
attribute dist_east_from_origin _FillValue double NaN
attribute dist_east_from_origin actual_range double -175.8662, 209.5687
attribute dist_east_from_origin ioos_category String Unknown
attribute dist_east_from_origin long_name String Eastward distance from instrument
attribute dist_east_from_origin units String km
variable dist_north_from_origin   double  
attribute dist_north_from_origin _FillValue double NaN
attribute dist_north_from_origin actual_range double -209.5687, 10.9747
attribute dist_north_from_origin ioos_category String Unknown
attribute dist_north_from_origin long_name String Northward distance from instrument
attribute dist_north_from_origin units String km
variable range   double  
attribute range _FillValue double NaN
attribute range actual_range double 11.6498, 209.6964
attribute range axis String X
attribute range colorBarMaximum double 1500.0
attribute range colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute range ioos_category String Unknown
attribute range long_name String Range from origin (away from instrument)
attribute range short_name String range
attribute range units String km
attribute range valid_max double 1000.0
attribute range valid_min double 0.0
variable bearing   double  
attribute bearing _FillValue double NaN
attribute bearing actual_range double 87.0, 237.0
attribute bearing axis String Y
attribute bearing colorBarMaximum double 400.0
attribute bearing colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute bearing ioos_category String Unknown
attribute bearing long_name String Bearing from origin (away from instrument)
attribute bearing short_name String bearing
attribute bearing units String degrees
attribute bearing valid_max double 360.0
attribute bearing valid_min double 0.0
variable velocity   double  
attribute velocity _FillValue double NaN
attribute velocity actual_range double -198.028, 199.572
attribute velocity colorBarMaximum double 0.5
attribute velocity colorBarMinimum double -0.5
attribute velocity ioos_category String Currents
attribute velocity long_name String Radial Sea Water Velocity Away From Instrument
attribute velocity standard_name String radial_sea_water_velocity_away_from_instrument
attribute velocity units String cm s-1
attribute velocity valid_range double -1000.0, 1000.0
variable heading   double  
attribute heading _FillValue double NaN
attribute heading actual_range double 0.2, 35.7
attribute heading colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute heading colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute heading ioos_category String Currents
attribute heading long_name String Direction Of Radial Vector Away From Instrument
attribute heading standard_name String direction_of_radial_vector_away_from_instrument
attribute heading units String degrees
attribute heading valid_range double 0.0, 3600.0
variable range_cell   long  
attribute range_cell _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute range_cell actual_range long 2, 36
attribute range_cell ioos_category String Currents
attribute range_cell long_name String Cross Spectra Range Cell of sea water velocity (away from instrument)
variable syntax_qc   long  
attribute syntax_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute syntax_qc actual_range long 1, 1
attribute syntax_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute syntax_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute syntax_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute syntax_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute syntax_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute syntax_qc long_name String Syntax (QARTOD Test 06) Flag Masks
attribute syntax_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable max_threshold_qc   long  
attribute max_threshold_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute max_threshold_qc actual_range long 1, 3
attribute max_threshold_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute max_threshold_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute max_threshold_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute max_threshold_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute max_threshold_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute max_threshold_qc long_name String Maximum Velocity Threshold (QARTOD Test 07) Flag Masks
attribute max_threshold_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable valid_location_qc   long  
attribute valid_location_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute valid_location_qc actual_range long 1, 4
attribute valid_location_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute valid_location_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute valid_location_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute valid_location_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute valid_location_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute valid_location_qc long_name String Valid Location (QARTOD Test 08) Flag Masks
attribute valid_location_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable radial_count_qc   long  
attribute radial_count_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute radial_count_qc actual_range long 1, 4
attribute radial_count_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute radial_count_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute radial_count_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute radial_count_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute radial_count_qc ioos_category String Statistics
attribute radial_count_qc long_name String Radial Count (QARTOD Test 09) Flag Masks
attribute radial_count_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable spatial_median_filter_qc   long  
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc actual_range long 1, 4
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc long_name String Spatial Median Filter (QARTOD Test 10) Flag Masks
attribute spatial_median_filter_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable temporal_gradient_qc   long  
attribute temporal_gradient_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute temporal_gradient_qc actual_range long 1, 4
attribute temporal_gradient_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute temporal_gradient_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temporal_gradient_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute temporal_gradient_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute temporal_gradient_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute temporal_gradient_qc long_name String Temporal Gradient (QARTOD Test 11) Flag Masks
attribute temporal_gradient_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable operator_flag_qc   long  
attribute operator_flag_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute operator_flag_qc actual_range long 1, 4
attribute operator_flag_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute operator_flag_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute operator_flag_qc comment String Flag that is manually set by operator. Flag vectors that are not detected by QC tests but are clearly wrong.
attribute operator_flag_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute operator_flag_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute operator_flag_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute operator_flag_qc long_name String Operator Flag Masks
attribute operator_flag_qc valid_range long 1, 9
variable primary_flag_qc   long  
attribute primary_flag_qc _FillValue long -9223372036854775808
attribute primary_flag_qc actual_range long 1, 4
attribute primary_flag_qc colorBarMaximum double 6.0
attribute primary_flag_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute primary_flag_qc flag_meanings String pass not_evaluated suspect fail missing_data
attribute primary_flag_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute primary_flag_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute primary_flag_qc long_name String Primary Flag Masks
attribute primary_flag_qc valid_range long 1, 9

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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