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Title Sum-
Institution Dataset ID
     data   graph     files  Deep Lagrangian Observations in the Gulf of Mexico - APEX (Leidos) Data    ?   F   I   M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe
SAIC, 615 Oberlin...  ?

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL _NCProperties String version=2,netcdf=4.6.3,hdf5=1.10.4
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgement String N/A
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_altitude_proxy String CTD_Pressure
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Profile
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_profile_variables String station,time,longitude,latitude, waterdepth, depthflag,instrument,indextype,start_index, stop_index, CTD_Pressure, CTD_Temperature, CTD_Salinity
attribute NC_GLOBAL Chief_Scientist String AMY BOWER
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_email String devops at rpsgroup.com
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String RPS
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String editor
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role_vocabulary String https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/G04/current/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_url String rpsgroup.com
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.0,CF-1.7,ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_address String 615 Oberlin Rd #100
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_city String Raleigh
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_country String USA
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_institution String SAIC
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String AMY BOWER
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_postalcode String 27605
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_state String NC
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String group
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String N/A
attribute NC_GLOBAL DATA_ORIGIN String SAIC/Raleigh NC
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2016-03-07
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_metadata_modified String 2020-06-10T18:58:40.838930
attribute NC_GLOBAL Date_Time_Format String yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
attribute NC_GLOBAL Disclaimer String Data carry no warranty of any kind and SAIC is not responsible for consequent use
attribute NC_GLOBAL End_Date String 2015-10-28 00:00:00
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Profile
attribute NC_GLOBAL Funding_Agency String BOEM
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds String MULTIPOINT (-88.526 27.461, -88.571 27.453, -88.39 27.482, -88.453 27.406, -88.538 27.397, -88.556 27.486, -88.863 27.314, -89.166 27.24 , -89.479 27.392, -89.322 27.372, -88.794 27.058, -89.186 27.308, -89.15 27.229, -88.306 26.955, -87.85 27.043, -87.566 26.785, -85.721 25.865, -86.828 26.449, -86.916 26.53 , -86.068 26.406, -85.703 26.142, -85.808 26.318, -86.484 26.128, -86.446 26.043, -86.175 25.746, -85.813 24.879, -85.678 24.632, -85.48 24.923, -84.842 25.323, -85.903 26.052, -87.088 25.42 , -87.358 24.888, -87.264 24.787, -87.184 24.719, -86.841 24.57 , -86.501 24.415, -86.59 24.838, -88.021 25.712, -87.107 24.958, -87.143 24.887, -87.579 24.848, -87.533 24.77 , -87.173 24.581, -87.017 24.581, -86.802 24.443, -86.742 24.312, -86.435 24.198, -86.399 24.141, -86.135 23.987, -86.22 24.722, -86.663 25.196, -87.387 25.682, -87.871 25.307, -87.553 25.799, -87.025 26.284, -85.913 26.842, -86.145 27.353, -85.786 27.389, -86.294 27.546, -86.977 27.889, -87.274 27.534, -87.134 27.71 , -87.477 27.699, -87.402 27.021, -88.979 26.1 , -90.046 26.89 , -90.31 26.507, -90.44 26.753, -91.074 26.511, -91.371 26.393, -91.702 26.321, -91.68 26.453, -91.384 26.341, -91.407 26.302, -91.894 26.214, -91.798 26.244, -91.949 26.237, -92.152 26.318, -92.13 26.482, -92.139 26.622, -92.087 26.666, -92.368 26.732, -92.414 26.523, -92.426 26.375, -92.993 26.288, -94.325 26.623, -94.372 26.69 , -94.365 26.719, -94.319 26.766, -94.291 26.8 , -94.194 26.836, -94.211 26.884, -94.14 26.928, -94.05 26.96 , -93.359 27.07 , -93.3 27.11 , -93.302 27.133, -93.354 27.118)
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_crs String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs String EPSG:5831
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String Original File Last Updated by SAIC/Raleigh on 2016-03-02. Translated to netcdf on 2016-03-07
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://gcoos.org (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String SAIC, 615 Oberlin Rd #100, Raleigh NC 27605
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String ARGO Profiler
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String These data may be redistributed and used without restriction.
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String edu.tamucc.gulfhub
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String subsurface_float
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_id String APX4902285
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_name String APEX PROFILING FLOAT CTD 4902285
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String GCMD Keywords Version 8.7
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String APEX/ARGO profiles QA/QC'd by ARGO Data Centers
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String Final
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String Deep Langrangian Observations in the Gulf of Mexico (funding: BOEM)
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Deep Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico: A Lagrangian Study
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_address String 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5869
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_city String Corpus Christi
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_country String USA
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String info at gcoos.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_institution String Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_phone String (361) 825 3454
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_postalcode String 78412
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_state String Texas
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String group
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String gcoos.org
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String http://www.saicocean.com/SAICdocs/, https://espis.boem.gov/final%20reports/5471.pdf (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL SAIC_Cruise_ID String APX4902285
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String observation
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v72
attribute NC_GLOBAL Start_Date String 2012-01-12 00:00:00
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Phsyical Oceanographic Circulation Study
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_duration String P0003-09-15T21:21:00
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String P0000-00-14T05:35:00
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Deep Lagrangian Observations in the Gulf of Mexico - APEX (Leidos) Data
attribute NC_GLOBAL Vessel String ARGO FLOAT
variable lower_left_longitude   float  
attribute lower_left_longitude _FillValue float NaN
attribute lower_left_longitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute lower_left_longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute lower_left_longitude long_name String Lower Left Longitude
attribute lower_left_longitude units String degrees_E
attribute lower_left_longitude valid_max float -94.372
attribute lower_left_longitude valid_min float -94.372
variable lower_left_latitude   float  
attribute lower_left_latitude _FillValue float NaN
attribute lower_left_latitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute lower_left_latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute lower_left_latitude long_name String Lower Left Latitude
attribute lower_left_latitude units String degrees_N
attribute lower_left_latitude valid_max float 23.987
attribute lower_left_latitude valid_min float 23.987
variable upper_right_longitude   float  
attribute upper_right_longitude _FillValue float NaN
attribute upper_right_longitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute upper_right_longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute upper_right_longitude long_name String Upper Right Longitude
attribute upper_right_longitude units String degrees_E
attribute upper_right_longitude valid_max float -84.842
attribute upper_right_longitude valid_min float -84.842
variable upper_right_latitude   float  
attribute upper_right_latitude _FillValue float NaN
attribute upper_right_latitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute upper_right_latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute upper_right_latitude long_name String Upper Right Latitude
attribute upper_right_latitude units String degrees_N
attribute upper_right_latitude valid_max float 27.889
attribute upper_right_latitude valid_min float 27.889
variable station   int  
attribute station cf_role String profile_id
attribute station ioos_category String Identifier
attribute station long_name String Station or Cast Number
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time axis String T
attribute time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time of Cast
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue float NaN
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Station Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue float NaN
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Station Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable waterdepth   float  
attribute waterdepth _FillValue float NaN
attribute waterdepth coordinates String longitude latitude time
attribute waterdepth coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute waterdepth ioos_category String Location
attribute waterdepth long_name String Depth of Bottom
attribute waterdepth positive String down
attribute waterdepth standard_name String sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface
attribute waterdepth standard_name_url String http://mmisw.org/ont/ioos/parameter/sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface (external link)
attribute waterdepth units String m
attribute waterdepth valid_max float 3389.0
attribute waterdepth valid_min float 1019.0
variable depthflag   String  
attribute depthflag coordinates String longitude latitude time
attribute depthflag flag_meanings String Measured_at_Station Estimated_from_GTOPO30_Bathymetric_Database
attribute depthflag flag_values String S G
attribute depthflag ioos_category String Quality
attribute depthflag long_name String Bottom Depth Flag
variable instrument   String  
attribute instrument coordinates String longitude latitude time
attribute instrument ioos_category String Unknown
attribute instrument long_name String Measurement System or Instrument Codes
attribute instrument S41 String SEA BIRD ELECTRONICS SBE41CP
variable indextype   short  
attribute indextype ADP_INDEX String Velocity from Ship-Mounted Profiler (ADCP)
attribute indextype coordinates String longitude latitude time
attribute indextype CTD_INDEX String Temperature/Salinity from Hydro Casts (CTD)
attribute indextype flag_meanings String CTD_INDEX XBT_INDEX XCP_INDEX ADP_INDEX NUT_INDEX
attribute indextype flag_values short 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
attribute indextype ioos_category String Unknown
attribute indextype long_name String Data Type Index Selector with Values : 1 - 5
attribute indextype NUT_INDEX String Nutrients/CTD: T,S,O2,PO4,NO3,SIO3,CHL-A,Total-CHL
attribute indextype valid_max short 1
attribute indextype valid_min short 1
attribute indextype XBT_INDEX String Temperature from e(X)pendable probes
attribute indextype XCP_INDEX String Relative Velocity (Shear) from X Current Profiler
variable start_index   int  
attribute start_index conventions String FORTRAN Array Indexing
attribute start_index coordinates String longitude latitude time
attribute start_index coverage_content_type String referenceInformation
attribute start_index ioos_category String Unknown
attribute start_index long_name String Start index of data
attribute start_index origin int 1
attribute start_index valid_max int 49007
attribute start_index valid_min int 1
variable stop_index   int  
attribute stop_index conventions String FORTRAN Array Indexing
attribute stop_index coordinates String longitude latitude time
attribute stop_index coverage_content_type String referenceInformation
attribute stop_index ioos_category String Unknown
attribute stop_index long_name String Stop index of data
attribute stop_index origin int 1
attribute stop_index valid_max int 49503
attribute stop_index valid_min int 508
variable CTD_Pressure   float  
attribute CTD_Pressure _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute CTD_Pressure _FillValue float NaN
attribute CTD_Pressure axis String Z
attribute CTD_Pressure coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute CTD_Pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute CTD_Pressure long_name String Recorded sea water pressure
attribute CTD_Pressure platform String station
attribute CTD_Pressure positive String down
attribute CTD_Pressure standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute CTD_Pressure standard_name_url String http://mmisw.org/ont/ioos/parameter/sea_water_pressure (external link)
attribute CTD_Pressure units String dbar
attribute CTD_Pressure valid_max float 1548.8
attribute CTD_Pressure valid_min float 2.9
variable CTD_Temperature   float  
attribute CTD_Temperature _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute CTD_Temperature coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute CTD_Temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute CTD_Temperature long_name String Temperature
attribute CTD_Temperature platform String station
attribute CTD_Temperature standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute CTD_Temperature standard_name_url String http://mmisw.org/ont/ioos/parameter/water_temperature (external link)
attribute CTD_Temperature units String degree_C
attribute CTD_Temperature valid_max float 31.073
attribute CTD_Temperature valid_min float 4.2419987
variable CTD_Salinity   float  
attribute CTD_Salinity _FillValue float -9999.0
attribute CTD_Salinity coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute CTD_Salinity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute CTD_Salinity long_name String Salinity
attribute CTD_Salinity platform String station
attribute CTD_Salinity standard_name String sea_water_salinity
attribute CTD_Salinity standard_name_url String http://mmisw.org/ont/ioos/parameter/sea_water_salinity (external link)
attribute CTD_Salinity units String psu
attribute CTD_Salinity valid_max float 36.898
attribute CTD_Salinity valid_min float 33.45

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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